15 February 2007

Love is so un-expectable...

Well, falling in love is un-expectable...it's not something that you can figure out,It can't be calculated as is. No! you can't. It suddenly comes out from nowhere and rushly approaches you, squeezes your heart and demands your full attention, absorbs you into the situation of which you have not guessed before. Naturally, people will react happily, but many would feel unhappily depends on a lot of conditions.

It's unfortunate to those who feel unhappy, but don't blame them. Because, people do have something to consider, no body can do as he/she wants. Because society has its own norm that people must uphold it. We must, close the door for love sometimes if that would hurt others and of course would ruin everything we have built. Do not play with love because it would burn you alive.

I feel it too now, falling in love to someone though i‘m not quite sure, if this is a love. Let‘s say it is, then i must close my heart for it, because it's very dangerous concerning my status now. You see? sometime Love is beatable, all is your call & it's we who decide it. So, although it's a little bit hard for me but this ? should be done!


Yu a ma best friend..
And still be ma best friend..
And will be ma best friend.. foreva :)

"sahabat adalah seseorang yang dapat mendengarkan nyanyian di dalam hati kita. Sahabat adalah orang yang tatkala kita lupa akan bait-baitnya, maka ia akan menyanyikan kembali untuk kita. Persahabatan adalah 1 jiwa dalam 2 raga. Sahabat adalah tangan Tuhan untuk menjaga Kita".

19 Jan '07, 21:30:40 WIB)

Sekar Arum Sari


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